Rusty BitsInspired by rusty metal treasures from a time long ago found on the beaches of the Salish Sea. View fullsize "Telluric Sanctuary" - Rusty metal pieces found on the shores of the Salish Sea. Multicolored and black slate, mahogany obsidian, basalt scoria, remnants of a fluted glass vase, broken pottery created by Robert Jaye, quartz points, and glass beads. 15" x 13" framed. NFS. View fullsize "Rusted Bloom"- Rusty metal scavenged from the beaches of the Salish Sea. Limonite, beach glass, stained glass, Montana argillite, Easdale (Scottish) slate, pottery, several types of sandstone, Smalti, glass rods and beads. On Wedi board in tinted thinset. 14" x 14" (NFS) View fullsize "Impact" - Black and brown slate, muscovite mica, glass beads, rusty metal scavenged from the beaches of the Salish Sea. On Wediboard in tinted thinset. 12" x 14" (Available. On exhibition at the Port Angeles Library.) View fullsize "Rusty Bits Too" - Rusted metal pieces, ironstone pebble, muscovite mica, slate, smalti, recycled glass tiles, beach glass, glass beads, metal beads. On Wediboard with tinted thinset. 9" x 8.5" (NFS) View fullsize "Rusty Bits" - Rusted metal pieces, muscovite mica, Montana argillite, sandstone, basalt scoria, glass beads, smalti. On Wediboard with tinted thinset. 12" x 8" (Sold) View fullsize "Rusty View" - Rusty metal scavenged from the beaches of the Salish Sea. Muscovite mica, polished beach pebble, beach glass, slate, smalti, glass rods and beads. Pieces embedded in tinted thinset on Wedi board. 9.5" x 10" Available at Northwind Gallery in Port Townsend. View fullsize "Kelp" - Rusty metal stake collected along the beaches of the Salish Sea, slate, Smalti, brick, glass beads, sea glass, metal beads, glass tile, Devardi glass rods, and, a sandstone pebble. 12" x 14" (NFS) View fullsize "Pierce" - Obsidian, scoria, pumice, Smalti, stained glass, mirror, and a rusty metal stake collected along the beaches of the Salish Sea. 12" x 12" on Wediboard in tinted thinset. (NFS)