The RestOther mosaics from prompts for exhibitions and workshops. View fullsize Olympic Spring. Slate, glass rods, Smalti, stained glass, beach pebbles on Wediboard in tinted thinset. 10 in. x 12 in. (Available) View fullsize "Blue Blanket" - Smalti and glass beads on Wediboard in tinted thinset. (Sold) View fullsize "And on..." Mica schist, slate, marble, amphibolite, travertine, Smalti, stained glass and glass beads on Wediboard in tinted thinset. 10" x 10" (Available) View fullsize "Asemic Writing #1" - Slate, Smalti, glass rods, and, glass beads. On Wediboard in tinted thinset. 6" x 6" (NFS) Lichen covered decaying driftwood on the beach used as inspiration for a workshop piece (Creating Abstract Mosaics Inspired by Nature with Rachel Davies - Zoomed in section on the lichen. "Lichen" - Abstract mosaic created from the previous image. Mica schist, argillite, slate, obsidian, scoria, glass rods, millefiori, Smalti, glass beads, and, stained glass. (NFS)